Category: <span>Google Algorithm</span>

“In September 2010, about seven years ago, Google released their “Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide”, here is the PDF download. When Gary Illyes from Google was asked if the document is “still relevant/best practices” Gary said yes it is.” Read the entire article on Search Engine Roundtable here: Google’s SEO Starter Guide From 2010 Still […]

“Google has decided to remove Google Instant, so they can focus on ways to make Search even faster and more fluid on all devices.” This is the “instant results” that appear as you type on a computer. We are still evaluating this for Philly Search Engine Marketing clients and will be offering a positioning piece […]

Google’s outreach to publishers and SEOs will continue to be split among a variety of people rather than being tied to the web spam fighting chief. Read the entire article here: Google Has New Head Of Web Spam But Won’t Be The “New Matt Cutts”

Google’s Gary Illyes responded to feedback on Twitter on the topic of the new mobile friendly algorithms, which is fully rolled out. Read the entire article here: Google To Improve Mobile Friendly Algorithm Including Mobile Page Speed

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Google is updating the algorithms that display URLs in the search results to better reflect the names of websites. As part of this launch, they’re also introducing support for structured data for websites to signal to our algorithms. Read the entire article here Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Better presentation of URLs in search […]

Google tells us that the mobile-friendly algorithm launching in about a month is on a page-by-page basis and runs in real-time, which eases the concerns of many webmasters. Read the entire article here Google: The Mobile-Friendly Ranking Factor Runs In Real-Time & Is On A Page-By-Page Basis.

A New Google Ranking Algorithm based on fact checking? Read the entire article here Rand Fishkin – Google+.

Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. Read the entire announcement here: Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Finding more mobile-friendly search results.

Slow and steady wins the race—except when it comes to slow loading pages. Get suggestions for speed improvements by putting your #mobilefriendly site through PageSpeed Insights. Read the entire post here Google Webmasters – Google+.

A single line added to Google’s announcement about their mobile-friendly labels rolling out to mobile searchers said that Google is experimenting with using mobile-friendly criteria in their ranking algorithms. Read the entire article here: Google Is Testing Mobile-Friendly Signals In Their Ranking Algorithm.

Years after a controversy over a decision to promote its own social network, Google+, in search results, Google has begun linking to other social networks in its Knowledge Graph. Read the entire article here: Google’s Knowledge Graph Finally Shows Social Networks Not Named Google+.