5 Critical SEO Mistakes Leaders Must Avoid

An excellent article detailing common SEO mistakes:

SEO Take-Aways:

  1. Invest in analytics. Plan for tomorrow after knowing exactly where you stand today.
  2. Build actionable dashboards in your analytics tool. Keep only business-critical information that you can act upon. How well are you performing? How successful are you in reaching economic and strategic goals? Focus on what makes you more effective — not just getting more traffic, but actually increasing sales, growing business and becoming more cost-effective.
  3. Hire an external consultant to help you concentrate on important things. If 100 people arrive at your website and 2% are buying, why are the rest (who initially showed interest in your product or service) not buying? Looking backward in time, (analytics) can decode the secret to your success.
  4. Don’t spend money on what isn’t measurable. Everything can be measured. Track and analyze the value of everything you spend time and money on.

5 Critical SEO Mistakes Leaders Must Avoid.



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